Entries by Jayne Lee


Networking is an important part of any job, essential for building not just your own personal brand but your organisations. While some people love events that give them the opportunity to network, others may not enjoy meeting and making conversation with strangers and view such events as daunting situations at best. Below, we outline some […]

Power Posing

Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk is a must watch, not just for those who wish to appear more powerful in the workplace, it is useful in and transferrable to a variety of evaluative situations. In it, Cuddy explains how a simple pose, held for just two minutes can have a significant impact on our portrayal of […]

Intuitive Decision Making

When to trust your gut Business leaders are involved in a daily regime of decision making, how then do they quickly make decisions effectively? How do they instinctively know what the right decision is? How does one hone this ability and does it always work? Hayashi tries to explain this phenomenon in the Harvard Business […]

Managing Organisational Time

Time is an often little managed, but scare resource in an organisation. As the old adage goes, “time is money” and never has this been more true than in today’s world, where organisations and their people are facing an hourly onslaught of emails, instant messaging, phone calls and video conferences. Time spent on these interactions […]


The Focused Leader – from Goleman’s article in HBR December 2013

Good leadership is a key component of organisational progression. In Goleman’s study of leadership he states that “attention is at the basis of the most essential of leadership skills – emotional, organisational and strategic intelligence”. By accurately directing one’s attention to where it is necessary at a given time, a leader will have focus and […]

Helping in Organisations – from Harvard Business Review January – February 2014

A study conducted on the successful design company IDEO, found that a culture of helpfulness amongst the employees greatly improved the companies creativity. “In the top performing companies it is a norm that colleagues support one another’s efforts to do the best work possible.” However, helpfulness is not something that always naturally occurs as some […]