Entries by Jayne Lee

You and your career

Learning and development is undoubtedly necessary to stay at the top of your game professionally. Therefore we all try and take the time to keep updated on current trends in our relevant industries. However, what other steps can be taken to ensure that you keep moving your career in the direction you want? Technical knowledge […]

Shaping your company’s culture

Culture is something which is deeply ingrained in an organisation, whether it is deliberate, or not. Attempting to change a company’s existing culture is not something which can be done quickly or easily. However, it can be done, with the right leaders at the helm. But first, what are the signs that an organisations culture […]

Consider Upskilling as an Alternative to a Complete Career Change

Success in one’s career is very much geared around continuous learning and improvement. Upskilling is a great way to explore change in your working life, without taking the more dramatic step of actually changing companies or industries completely. It is also something which many organisations actively encourage and may even be prepared to support financially. […]

The Art of Active Listening

Speaking and listening are soft skills that most of us take for granted and believe ourselves to be fluent in. However, often we may not be fully present in a conversation and as a result, important information can be ignored or simply forgotten. Research varies greatly in terms of how much of what we hear […]

Minimalism at Work

We’ve all heard about the Minimalism trend and how it involves rules, such as living with less than 100 items, capsule wardrobes and stark interiors. However, there is a lot more to Minimalism and in fact, less rules than one might think. This article is about how to bring minimalism to your working life, freeing […]

How to avoid getting lost in translation

Taking the time to speak to your stakeholders and colleagues in a language that they understand is vital for building relationships in the workplace. As a psychologist, who assesses many people from different professions, one of the most impressive observable skills people can have is the ability to communicate in an interesting and when necessary, […]

Managing Your Weaknesses

It’s one of the most dreaded interview questions – “What are your weaknesses?” Some see this as an opportunity to humble brag – pretending to be self-deprecating but in fact using it as an opportunity to highlight an attribute of which you are proud. Common examples are “I am a perfectionist” or “I am a […]

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Leadership – A Readily Transferable Skill or is Technical Expertise Required?

It is often assumed that the most important leadership skills are high level, broad skills, such as critical thinking ability, problem solving skills, communication skills, the ability to delegate and to motivate – and that these skills can be readily transferred from one industry to another. However, without technical expertise in the area the leader […]