In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), outlined below is information regarding the collection and use of your personal data and your rights concerning this activity. Any information we hold on you will be used for the sole purpose for which you have provided it. See appendix 1 for definitions of the terms used throughout this form.
What data is collected?
Your personal data (name, any personal data made available to us on your CV) and special categories of personal data (psychometric assessment test results) will be collected by Davitt Corporate Partners for the provision of this service to the Client.
What will happen to my personal data post-completion?
Raw data collected from the Hogan Assessments carried out online are collected by our trusted third party, Psychological Consultancy Ltd, who convert raw data into standardised scores. Davitt Corporate Partners have written agreements in place with Psychological Consultancy Ltd to ensure all reasonable data protection measures are taken by them to secure your data. Psychological Consultancy Ltd send standardised scores to Davitt Corporate Partners, which are stored on servers in Ireland and in the Cloud, with the Data Centre is based in the EEA (UK), where all reasonable security measures in place.
Where will my data be sent post-completion?
On completion of the personality test, you may be asked to attend an onsite assessment or coaching, or a report will be generated after the online assessment and sent to the Client with the following information visible for the purposes of Candidate selection and/or development:
- Name of Candidate
- Position applied for
- Written narrative of the personality profile.
Should you not consent to any or all of this data being exchanged with the Client on your behalf, said data shall not be sent.
How long will my data be held for?
Davitt Corporate Partners will store test results for the duration of their validity (two years) after which all traces of test results will be destroyed. If you wish to remove these test results prior to the two-year retention period, you can do so by submitting a written request via post or email. We may require you to confirm your identity prior to deleting these files, after which, all files in question will be deleted within 48 hours.
You may also request a copy of your personality test results at any time once the testing process has been completed.
Personal Data: any data that can directly or indirectly identify a living individual
Special Category Data: personal data consisting of information relating to: Race or ethnic origin; Political opinions; Religious beliefs or other; Trade union member status; Physical or mental health; Sexual life; The commission or alleged commission of any offence; Any proceedings for any offence committed or alleged to have been committed, the disposal of such proceedings or the sentence in court of such proceedings.
Candidate: the party undergoing the service by Davitt Corporate Partners
Client: the party requesting and paying for selected service from Davitt Corporate Partners, including recruitment agencies
“Us”, “We”, “Our”: Davitt Corporate Partners
“I”, “You”, “Your”: the Candidate
For more information, please refer to Davitt Corporate Partners Data Protection Policy