Happy International Womans Day

According to a Chinese proverb, women hold up half the sky.

International Women’s Day was originally all about the RIGHT TO WORK– and the right to work in fair conditions, properly compensated for labor, and legally organized in open forums. It actually goes back to a protests by women garment workers in NYC against poor working conditions.

Women and the Workplace

  •  A Global Gender Gap Report 2012, showed that by reducing gender gaps in employment  the US GDP  increased by 9 percent and eurozone GDP by  13 percent.
  • Harvard University president Drew Gilpin Faus argues that women bring a different approach to social interactions in the workplace.


Yet, in Ireland……

Only 16 per cent of TDs are women; with only 9 per cent of our boards of  top private companies being made up of women. Fewer than one in four voices on our news and current affairs radio shows belong to women.

Interesting facts about women and work in the  Developing World?

  •  When women and girls earn income they reinvest 90% of it into their families compared with only 30-40% for men
  • 44% of businesses in Ghana are run by women
  • 75% of women worldwide cannot get bank loans because they have unpaid or insecure jobs
  • A World Bank Study of 100 countries found that the greater the representation of women in parliament the lower the levels of corruption
  • Women are outnumbered 4 to 1 in governmental positions around the world