Outplacement & Career Transitioning Services

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Group Outplacement & Career Transitioning

Programme Outline & Features

  • Group outplacement workshops delivered by experienced corporate psychologists and HR recruitment professionals

Content areas can include:

  • Understanding redundancy/transitioning
  • Self‐assessment – taking stock of who you are, identifying strengths and areas for development
  • Managing practical concerns e.g. tax/pensions
  • Preparing to re‐enter the job market – CV, Interview preparation, job search activities


  • 2 x 1-day workshops (alternatively 4 x ½ days) delivered onsite or at an agreed location
  • Input by up to four consultants (corporate psychologists and HR recruitment professionals)
  • Additional one‐to‐one coaching sessions can be arranged post‐workshop for an agreed fee

Benefits to the individual

  • Provides strategies for managing change
  • Helps people to manage practical issues and immediate concerns (e.g. personal finances)
  • Explores strengths and areas for development through skills analysis and self-assessment
  • Empowers people and increases self-confidence through group-work and sharing of resources
  • Equips individuals with requisite skills to search and prepare for their new role

Benefits to the Organisation

  • Projects a positive image of the organisation
  • Helps alleviate feelings of anger and fear associated with change and transitioning
  • Increases employee motivation
  • Improves ability to retain key staff during times of change

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